Planting the Seed



When the time is right, when the soil is prepared, and all the other preparations have been made, then you can think about planting the seed. This is true with a lot of things, because if the ground is not ready, or the soil not moist, then the seed will not sprout. The seed itself is from another fruit, for example last year on the Great Watermelon Voyage, we saved the seeds from the watermelons and now they are ready to go back in the ground. We have saved what we learned and chosen the best variety and are ready for another year to grow.

As a metaphor, the planting of the watermelon works well for us because each year we have to wait all winter, planning and preparing to ready ourselves and our crew to begin the voyage. Over the next few weeks, after the seeds go in the ground, we will watch and see how the organization grows, just as the seeds from the watermelon go from shoots to vines then to produce some of the heartiest fruits on the planet, the voyage too will take shape though its members, supporter, and of course the maritime heritage from which we grow.


Photo: Ljubo Gamulin 

Each week we will see something new. We will feature our vessel, the 17th century replica vessel- Gospa od Mora– Our Lady Of the Sea, our new t-shirt design, done by the talented artist and printer James Tucker of the Aesthetic Union in San Francisco, the crew, fresh and ready for another year, and the route, heading from Dubrovnik in the south, going north  through the islands along the way.  Each new item is like a leaf bud shooting off the vine strengthening the plant, and helping the organization to grow strong.

After the harvest the boat will be full of the delicious fruit that has been made by the sun and soil and by the combination of all the hard work by many collaborators, sponsors, contributors and crew. Best of all, the fruits of our labor benefit the students from the Maestral Home for Children in Kaštela, Croatia. We want to thank you all in advance for your hard work and effort that will lead to the success of the second Great Watermelon Voyage. I am glad to have you all onboard and looking forward to another great year sailing and a bountiful harvest.

Fair Winds and Following Seas,

James Bender~


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