• Building the Batelina: A New Program for a Traditional Boat

      The plan had been brewing for a while. My friend Jim who started the Adriatic Maritime Institute in Croatia, wanted to invite me to come to their new boat building workshop in Split for a sort of residency. The project was to help start a shop and build small boats with youth. This would …

  • Watermelon Wanderings IV: Ploče to Lastovo

      It was hot. Not like a hot that we normally know, but one that seems to make you squint even though you are in the shade. As if making your vision being less bright could give you some relief. The place where we load the cargo is in a big port, not much shade, …

  • Watermelon Wanderings Part II- Kaštela to Brač: Fun In the sun

    Part II Kastela to Brač: Fun in the Sun “This is the best place in the world” I heard them say. We were somewhere in the Brački Kanal and headed out after swimming. Actually this is a very common thing for a Dalmatian to say. Especially the older folks can be heard saying this or …

  • Watermelon Wanderings Part I- Dubrovnik to Kaštela: Morning Light

    Morning Light Preparing the boat can always be a little stressful. Time is short and there is a long list of things that have to be done. Three years ago, we had to build a mast a prepare rigging for Bente Dorte. Last year, Chris helped rewire some of the electronics on the boat, a …