• Watermelon Wanderings Part III: Neretva Sailing

    We decided we would have to get up very early to make it to Opuzen, on the river. Not because it was far away but because we had several stops to make. First we had to go to Zaostrog, a town below the Biokovo Mountains. This is interesting for us because one of our crew …

  • Brač Canal


  • Kaštela Sailing

    The first day on the boat was a blast. We had all these activities planned and schedules to keep, but when the kids got on the boat it was so hot that we just decided to go sailing. We brought Gospa od Mora, our lovely cargo ship up to the a nice swimming spot in …

  • Watermelon voyage III- Morning Light

        This type of vessel can be difficult to sail with just a few people. Since we didn’t have our young crewmembers from the home, we had our hands full with the big main sail. Once it was up, and the motor was off ,there was a certain silence that only a sailor knows. …